Agenda item


Verbal Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer.


The Committee was advised that a report would be considered by Council on 17 July 2019, in relation to engaging the public in the democratic processes of the Council, which included webcasting, and to charging this committee with exploring the different options available.


In advance of Council’s decision, the Committee was invited to discuss how best to start the process and it was agreed that, subject to Council’s decision, a Special meeting be arranged in September to agree a way forward.  The following issues would need to be considered:-


·        Which meetings to be webcast?

·        Staffing resources

·        Member training

·        Translation/signing /subtitles?

·        Whether consultation be undertaken with the public seeking their views?

·        The introduction of e petitions

·        Visit/SKYPE other local authorities to view their system

·        To determine whether public participation has improved as a result of webcasting etc.

·        View other local authorities webcasting

·        That webcasting be undertaken as a pilot?



RESOLVED:      That an additional meeting of the Committee be convened in September and that the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer submit a report on a proposed project plan for the work to be undertaken in relation to increasing public engagement in the democratic process.