Agenda item

Application No. P2019/0358

Change of use of residential dwelling (Class C3 to a HMO Class C4), single storey rear extension and alterations to fenestration at 3 Elba Crescent, Crymlyn Burrows, Swansea SA1 8QQ.


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application (Change of use of residential dwelling (Class C3 to a HMO Class C4), single storey rear extension and alterations to fenestration at 3 Elba Crescent, Crymlyn Burrows, Swansea SA1 8QQ) as detailed in the circulated report.


The Local Ward Member had requested that the Application be determined by the Planning Committee, and was present to give her representations at the meeting. In accordance with the Council’s approved Public Speaking Protocol, an objector to the Application addressed the Planning Committee.



That in accordance with Officers’ recommendations, Application No. P2019/0358 be approved, subject to the conditions detailed in the circulated report.


Supporting documents: