Agenda item


Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer


The Committee received an update on the new duties and responsibilities applied to local authorities, following enactment of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015.


Officers reported that the UK Government had recently passed a new legislation which would have some implications for the Council and the detail would will be brought to a future Community Safety and Public Protection Sub Committee.


It was noted that a local multi-agency Channel Panel had been set up in Neath Port Talbot to support individuals that were identified as being at risk of being drawn into terrorism and extremism.  It was highlighted that, to date, there had been six referrals to the Channel process. It was emphasised that it was paramount that there was early intervention and there was a need to link with teachers and others that work with children and adults that may be at risk.  Any referrals would be in confidence.  Officers agreed to bring back a report with an update to the next meeting on the types of cases dealt with and outcomes.


Members queried whether there was any pattern to age or area of referrals.  Officers stated that local numbers were too low to gauge this but nationally people with mental health or learning disabilities were known to be targeted referrals go through the Wales Extremism and Counter Terrorism Unit (WECTU).  Referrals were then assessed for their suitability for Channel.  It was anticipated that more would come through as awareness is raised.  If deemed appropriate for Channel, agencies would submit any information in respect of the individual, and a Channel Panel would then be arranged.


It was highlighted that WRAP (Workshop to Raise Awareness of Prevent) Training sessions had been rolled out across the Council, and would also be promoted via the intranet and staff magazine.  This training had also been delivered to private and voluntary organisations.  These sessions provided information on PREVENT and also explained the Channel process.  This training is mandatory and delivered to all staff. 


It was emphasised that the Community Safety Partnership fed into the Public Service Board (PSB) and that the majority of the Community Safety Agenda was about vulnerability.


Concern was expressed that cybercrime was increasing.  It was noted that this area needed to be looked at closer and would be a priority for the Partnership in 2019-2020.


Members questioned the safety of Information Technology (IT) in libraries for vulnerable people and working volunteers.  Officers stated that they were confident that systems were already in place to block certain sites, but if people did try and access these sites, there was a need to consider how such information would be shared.  The Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer would liaise with IT concerning cybercrime in libraries not operated by the Council, and would bring a report back to the meeting.  Officers informed the Committee that WRAP training was available to volunteers working at Neath Port Talbot libraries.


It was noted that Lynne Doyle, Learning Training and Development Manager would be invited to the next meeting to speak to the Committee about safeguarding training.


It was explained that the Community Safety Team worked closely with the Communications Team in order to monitor social media for extremist messaging.  Anything of concern was reported to the Wales Extremism and Counter Terrorism Unit (WECTU).  It was highlighted that if members of the public came across extremist posts on social media they could report these to the Police and WECTU. 


Following Scrutiny the Committee noted the update on the PREVENT Plan and Neath Port Talbot Channel Panel.

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