Agenda item

Urgent Items

Any urgent items (whether public or exempt) at the discretion of the Chairman pursuant to Section 100B (4) (b) of the Local Government Act 1972


Members raised concerns with regard to the timing of some meetings that fell during the school holidays, which provided difficulties for members with child care responsibilities. Officers stated that this would be explored and reported back to the committee.

Members requested for pre-briefings and Planning site visits to be inserted into members’ electronic calendars. Officers stated that this would be explored and reported back to the committee.  

Members requested that when members’ seminars were cancelled, that the word ‘cancelled’ be added first in the subject box before sending the e-mail notification in order to eliminate the possibility of members missing the information. Officers agreed to change the wording in the subject box when cancelling members’ seminars. 

Members asked for pre-briefings to be added to members’ weekly lists. Officers agreed to add pre-briefings to the members’ weekly lists.