Agenda item

Democratic Services Staffing Structure

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer


The committee received information in relation to Staffing Structure – Democratic Services and the Re-modelling of Scrutiny Support as contained within the circulated report.

Officers explained that due to the extra demand placed on Democratic Services as a result of the Swansea Bay City Region, further resources were required as indicated in the report. Officers reported that the additional hours required in the team were still being worked through.

Members queried whether the posts would still be required if the Swansea Bay City Region was disbanded. Officers stated that they were waiting for an indication on the future of the Swansea Bay City Region which was due imminently. Officers informed the committee that there was a separate strand of work being carried out to develop the scrutiny support for members, and that Dave Mckenna was currently assisting with this.



That the structure be endorsed by Council once the hours for the new posts were determined.


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