Agenda item

Members'Development and Training Programme - Update

Report of the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer



The committee received information in relation to the Members’ Development and Training Programme as contained within the circulated report.

Officers reported that following the meeting on the 5th September 2018, social media training and committee procedures training had not yet been delivered. Due to the multifaceted nature of both topics, officers requested a steer from the committee. Members commented in relation to social media that it was difficult to identify specific training that met the needs of all members as knowledge and skill levels varied. Members requested for two courses to be arranged in relation to social media; a beginners course which provided members with basic knowledge, such as how to register accounts, publish posts, make comments, ‘do’s and don’t’s,’ code of conduct issues in relation to social media; and an intermediate course which would provide a refresher as well as how to maximise the use of social media and provide members with the knowledge of which platforms to use when attempting to target a particular audience. Members also requested for the courses to include information on how to deal with harassment and abuse on social media and the impact on individuals.

In relation to committee procedures, members requested training and further guidance on the following areas:

·        the ‘Call-in’ process;

·        legislation and the process in place to request the attendance of external organisations/partners at meetings;

·        how to put motions forward at meetings;

·        notice of motions and amendments;   

·        procedures for full council;

·        recorded voting;

·        general powers available to committees.



a)   That beginner and intermediate social media training be arranged for members


b)   That the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer and Head of Legal Services deliver a course to members on the areas identified by the committee in relation to committee procedures.





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