of the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer
committee received information in relation to the Member Scrutiny Champion -
Update as contained within the circulated report.
committee agreed that issues regarding grammar in reports and minutes should be
raised with the relevant officers outside of the meetings.
committee acknowledged the importance of non-committee members giving advance notice
to the relevant chair of their intention to attend a meeting. The committee
also agreed that non-committee members should only attend for the relevant
items that they had expressed an interest in. Officers advised that a firm rule
for non-committee members’ attendance at meetings might not be a suitable
arrangement as flexibility should be built in for exceptional circumstances.
committee commented that pre-briefings provided committee members with an
opportunity to discuss matters on the agenda and to organise themselves in
preparation for the main meeting. The committee stated that pre-briefings added
value by seeking different perspectives in advance of the main meeting and
reaching better conclusions.
raised concerns with regard to the timing of pre-briefings, particularly
Cabinet Scrutiny which begun at 9:00am, and posed an issue for those taking
their children to school first. The committee recommended that discretion be
given to chairs to slightly alter commencement times for meeting to accommodate
members with childcare responsibilities Officers stated that this could be
raised during the re-constitution of Council.
That the Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Digital Officer
circulates an e-mail to all members reminding them that grammatical issues contained
in reports and minutes are to be raised with relevant officers and dealt with
outside of meetings |
That the Assistant Chief Executive & Chief Digital Officer and
Head of Legal Services prepare a report at the next meeting regarding
non-committee member attendance at meetings
That the attendance of members at pre-briefings be monitored by the
Chairs and Vice Chairs of Scrutiny Forum, and any issues to be reported back
to the committee |
Supporting documents: