Agenda item



5.1     Social Services Complaints and Representations Annual Report 2017-18


The Committee received information in relation to the Complaints and Representations Annual Report 2017-18 as contained within the circulated report.


Members were pleased that the numbers of complaints were reducing but asked what lessons were learnt from the complaints that had been upheld. Officers explained Head of Children and Young People Services meet with Complainants and a detailed response is sent out to the Complainants. The outcomes are fed into Managers meetings, training officers are updated on issues that need additional/further training and in some cases where necessary issues with individual staff are addressed by their manager. Also, lessons learnt are fed into audits to ensure that improved practice has taken place.  Complainants are also invited where appropriate to attend Staff Group to give an overview of their issues so that staff can actually hear the issues in person. Officers also confirmed that adult services complaints has the same process.


Members identified that there was a need to include comparative data in the next Complaints Report to enable Members to see any changes year on year. Officers to bring comparative data to a future meeting of the Social Care, Health and Wellbeing Scrutiny Committee.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.


5.2    Proposed remodel and relocation of Complex Needs Day Services


Members received an overview of the proposal to enter into a formal 45 day public consultation regarding a proposed remodel and relocation of the current Complex Needs Day Services as detailed in the circulated report.


Members asked if the proposal affected the delivery of any services provided by external providers. Officers explained that there was no external provider’s delivery the services in the proposed changes. All the services were currently provided internally. The proposal out for consultation was for rather than having 3 sites that provide a complex needs service each site would specialise in different complex needs service. Presently, there are service users with Complex Autism needs sharing the same site as a service user with Health Needs. These would be provided on different sites.

Members asked that maps be provided to show where the sites are. Also, what is the impact for someone receiving a service at a current site and moving them to another site with the additional issue of the reduction of the availability of transport. Officers advised that currently due to the complex needs of service users, only specialist transport can be used and the service is needs led so the transport arrangements would remain the same just to different sites.


Members queried what was the transport position with new service users? Officers explained that these issues should be identified in the consultation and would be included in the consultation document.

Members asked how Officers ensure that service users who have complex needs are able to participate in the consultation. It was explained that Officers liaise with the families, carers who provide care for the service user and each service user would have a transition plan going forward, the changes would not happen immediately they would be over a period of time.


Following scrutiny, the Committee were supportive of the proposals to be considered at Cabinet Board.