Agenda item

Amendments to the Minutes of the Policy and Resources Cabinet Board Meeting of the 13th February 2014




That due to the discovery of an error in the way the decision concerning the item related to Property Bay Wales was recorded in the Minutes, the  decision recorded for Minute No.8 at the Policy and Resources Cabinet Board Meeting held on 13th February 2014, as detailed in the circulated report, to be amended as follows:-:




1.         That Property Bay Wales continue trading as detailed in the circulated report and to:-


·       Appoint new board of directors and confirmation of shareholders representative.

·       Be guided by the Council on what activities and area’s PBW can trade in.

·       Develop Business and Marketing Plan.

·       Actively advertise.

·       Review and agree financial commitments.


2.         That Members receive update reports on a regular basis.


Reason for Decision:


To ensure that a correct record is maintained.


Implementation of Decision


This decision was for immediate implementation,  therefore the Chairman

confirmed that this item would not be subject to the three day call in
