Agenda item

Introduction by the Leader of Council


The Leader of Council welcomed representatives of the Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Health Board (ABMU) to the meeting of Council, in particular the Chairman, Andrew Davies and the Chief Executive, Tracy Myhill. 


The Leader stated that the Council was keen to improve relationships with the Health Board and increase partnership working. As Chair of the Western Bay Partnership he was keen to improve collaboration, to speed up processes and integrate financial resources.


In particular the lack of consultation and consideration of the concerns raised by the three directors of Social Services across the ABMU area in relation to proposals to cut the number of hospital beds, was raised.


The meeting today was timely in that preparations were being made to prepare for winter pressures and also in light of the recently announced Welsh Government’s draft budget position for 2019/20.


The Leader outlined a few examples where improvements were required including the exit of Bridgend from the ABMU, Continuing Health Care and Community Care packages and the process around the allocation of the Transformation Fund.  The Leader advised the Health Board representatives that any assumptions that there was capacity in the Community Care Service, provided by the Authority, to take up any additional demand as a result of the cut in the number of hospital beds was ill-founded.