Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following items:


Cabinet Board Proposals


4.1    Director’s Annual Report


The Committee received information in relation to the Director’s Annual Report as contained within the circulated report.


Members congratulated officers on a very positive report but commented that should the report not contain the difficulties that the directorate is facing in the current economic climate. 


Members also thanked officers for the careful financial planning and asked whether any underspends are kept within the directorate.

Officers confirmed that the underspend was kept within the     directorate and contributed to any savings required.


Members asked what geographical areas do the Local Area Co-ordinators cover.


Officers explained that the aim is to have a Local Area   Coordinator across every area of NPT. An additional post has recently been recruited to so there are 6 across the Neath Port Talbot area


Members also queried what happens in the areas that are not covered by a Local Area Co-ordinator, Officers explained that the service is still available in those areas but the role of the Local Area Co-ordinator is to underpin those services.


Members asked if there was any data available on the impact and outcome of the Local Area Co-ordinator pilot areas, Officers explained that data is currently being gathered across the pilot areas with work being undertaken to develop a data base to ensure all information will be available in future.


Members asked why on the satisfaction responses 72 carers assessment were undertaken but none received support, Officers explained that Carers could be offered a variety of support from different organisation. The assessment could identify the need for a sitting service which would be provided by the third sector but that would not show up on system. Discussion are currently taking place with our partners in the third sector on how we could record this information for all to access.


Members asked if the word promoted contained within the document on Page 23 could be changed because it suggests that the Carers Assessment is not a statutory requirement of the Local Authority.  Officers explained that the word promotion was used to promote the rights of carers to have the assessment but agreed that an alternative would be found to replace promoted.


Members asked if the All Wales Comparative data could be brought to Committee to enable Members to be able to compare Neath Port Talbot with other Local Authorities., Officers explained that no All Wales Data has been received from the Welsh Government and previously the data has been 2 – 3 years old by the time of receipt. Officers confirmed that they will speak to Welsh Government to find out the current position and highlight the need to have this comparative data.  In addition Members asked that the Cabinet Members present today raise with the Welsh Government.


In relation to The Rapid Adaptation Grants Scheme, members asked how quickly is very quickly. Officers explained they will email members with the information.


Members referred to the Performance Measure/Indicator table on Page 37 and asked Officers if they could confirm if the  2017/18 and 2016/17 data was the correct as the columns seemed to be the wrong way round.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.






4.2    Western Bay Youth Justice and Early Intervention Annual Plan 2018-2019


The Committee received information in relation to the Western Bay Youth Justice and Early Intervention Annual Plan 2018-2019 as detailed in the circulated report.


Members asked why the Annual Plan was being brought to Committee for approval when the plan has already been in place for 6 months. Officers explained that the timescale was not ideal but due to changes with one of the Western Bay partners the plan had been delayed and the plan has to go through a number of different approval processes for each Local Authority within the Western Bay.


Members asked in future that the Annual Plan be brought to Committee in a more timely manner.


Members asked what plans were in place to deal with the transition period and after when Bridgend leaves the Western Bay Partnership.


Officers explained that with the retirement of the existing Western Bay Youth Justice and Early Intervention Manager a new manager has been recruited and has already commenced work to manage this transition period by the end of the financial year. A report will be brought to the next meeting to update Members on impact of the changes.


Members asked if the cohort of young people with behavioural issues was getting smaller but that the type of issues was getting more difficult, Officers explained that yes, the preventative work was having an effect on reducing the numbers of young people but the issues of a smaller number of young people were getting more difficult.  In addition, the work of the Pre-Court Diversion Panel was also effective in reducing the numbers escalating.


Members asked if there was data available identifying the numbers of young people involved with the Youth Justice Service who were statemented, Officers explained that information is not available but there are a significant number in the autistic spectrum within the total figures. Work is ongoing to ensure that young people are kept in education, training or employment and an additional officer has been recruited to work with schools to ensure that young people do not become NEET. 


Members also asked if there was data available on how many young people were from Neath Port Talbot, Officers explained that Swansea has a higher number of young people with the Youth Justice Service but Neath Port Talbot and Bridgend are on par.  In addition, the number of cases currently with Western Bay Youth Justice is 72 but previously in 2008/09 there were 807 young people accessing a service from Youth Justice.


Members asked for clarification as it states in the circulated report that there was no financial impact on the local authority resulting from this years plan but further on its states that there had been an increase in remand costs to NPT in the last financial year. How were Officers going to ensure that this does not happen again, Officers explained that previously when young people became remanded from court they became Looked After so there was a cost to the Local Authority but now other options are now being put before Courts which keep young people in the community but deprive them of the opportunities to re-offend. 


Members asked for details of the Music Project, Officers explained that there are a number of different projects that young people can access, one of which is Music which has had a positive outcome.  It was highlighted that Members were welcome to visit the Centre if wished.  In addition, a lot of the projects are supported by Volunteers.  It has been difficult to retain volunteers some of whom are students, once they gain the relevant experience in relation to the course they are undertaking they stop volunteering.  Western Bay has 3 co-ordinators who are responsible for Training who are continuing to promote Volunteering.


Members asked what the prerequisite to become a Volunteer was and are there any ex-offenders that volunteer, Officers explained that volunteers have a variety of experiences but few are ex-offenders. 


Following scrutiny, the Committee were supportive of the proposals to be considered at Cabinet Board.


4.3    Children and Young People Services – 1st Quarter (2018-19) Performance Report


The Committee received information in relation to the Children and Young People Services – 1st Quarter (2018-19) Performance as detailed in the circulated report.


Members asked why are child assessments not being completed on time?  Also, what was the legal timeframe was it 10 days or 42 days?


Officers explained that there had been a drop in performance with regards to the timeliness of child assessments being undertaken. Officers were presently looking at the reason behind this but that the quality of the assessment has remained good.  There had been some staff sickness which could be a contributory factor.  In regard to the timescale it was 10 days for initial assessments and 42 days for more indepth assessments if they were required.  Officers confirmed that these targets are for Welsh Government but the service strives for 100% and will continue to work towards.


Members asked whether these targets were mandatory targets.  Officers explained that they are mandatory because it’s an instruction from the Director.


Members queried whether the number of cases 25 held by the Disability Team was manageable, It was explained that previously it had been 30 cases but due to close monitoring the cases have reduced but the number of cases held depends on the complexity of the needs of the service user.  The more cases with complex needs the less cases will be held by the Social Worker.


Members referred to the graph in relation to the case closures and asked if the cases are being monitored on how many are reopened, Officers explained these are monitored very closely.


Members asked whether there was still an issue with attendance by partners at Child Protection Conferences, Officers explained that there was an issue with receiving reports in time for the Conference but the Case Conferences secretaries spend a lot of time ensuring that the invites are sent on with enough notice and that reports are received in time.  No adverse issues had been highlighted to the Director if there had been the Director would raise at a high level with the partner organisation.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.


4.4    Quarterly Performance Management Data 2018/19 – Quarter 1 Performance (1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018)


The Committee received information in relation to the Quarterly Performance Management Data 2018/19 – Quarter 1 Performance (1st April 2018 – 30th June 2018) as detailed in the circulated report.


Members asked how many delayed transfers of care are caused by difficulty in finding a domiciliary care package, Officers explained there are 5 people awaiting care package, also members asked how many caused by inability to find a care home placement, Officers mentioned there is 1 person.


Members asked with regards to the carers report, how are the 3rd sector figures being recorded, Officers confirmed they will email the figures to members.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.


4.5    Commissioning of Learning Disability Services


The Committee received information in relation to the Commissioning of Learning Disability Services as detailed in the circulated report.


Members asked what was meant by Closer to Home Schemes, Officers explained the aim is to bring service users who are currently residing in out of county placements to reside closer to home.  A more strategic approach is being developed to ensure this takes place that was why the commissioning will be undertaken separately from other schemes due to the specialist nature of the provision.


Following scrutiny, the Committee were supportive of the proposals to be considered at Cabinet Board.