Agenda item

Neath Port Talbot Music Service

Report of the Head of Participation


Members were provided information on the Cerdd Neath Port Talbot Music Service.


The Manager of Cerdd NPT Music Service was present at the meeting and commended his team and the work that they do.


Members highlighted that the indication in the report is that Welsh Government would take over the funding. The Manager of of Cerdd NPT Music Service highlighted that he is hoping that would be the case. It was highlighted that there is a music crisis in wales and hoping the pressure will be moved to Welsh Government from the Local Authorities. It was noted that the funding would be centrally funded which would be a million pound between all Authorities. It was highlighted that if Cerdd NPT Music Service can grow then that would be beneficial however, they are just hoping to sustain what they currently have.


Members queried about the buses for senior groups. Officers highlighted that the Cwmtawe Brass Centre run two buses on a Wednesday which tailor for a 100 children, the bus is run from 5.15pm, it was noted that one bus picks up in Swansea and one from Port Talbot and Neath, if the demand is there then will fund for an extra one for Thursday’s Music Centres.


Members asked how much children have taken up the free bus service offer from Port Talbot, Margam and Cymer Afan to Cwm Tawe and Dwr y Felin Centres. Officers highlighted that there were 6 people and it would cost a £100 a week, then it deducted to 3 children.


The Manager of Cerdd NPT Music Service highlighted that they would perform Peri Roadshows at each NPT Secondary School and would invite year 5 and 6 pupils from their feeder primary schools to attend which would commence the week of the 18th September 2018. He commended the standard of the Orchestra and recited an email commending the performances that had been performed at the Secondary Schools.


Members asked what the third music centre was as only two were listed in the report. It was noted that it was Pontardawe Welsh Primary School.


Members congratulated the service and highlighted that music is the route of other careers. It was noted that the council support the team and asked that a letter be sent to Welsh Government welcoming the indications to centrally fund the service.


Members asked why they do not hold percussion exams. It was highlighted that this year the drums are involved in the new Rock and Pop exams.


It was noted that the Cwmtawe Youth Brass Band aged 14 – 21 years of age came 3rd out of 18 of the National Brass Band Finals of Great Britain competition containing adult bands and commended the team work that they had to achieve this.


Members asked if the service becomes centrally funded would there be a dip in the funding. It was noted that the only difference would be the funding would be levelled across every authority, whereas now the service have a subsidy.


The Manager of Cerdd Neath Port Talbot Music Service highlighted that they don’t pay the staff to teach at the Music centres they do it as part of their directed time under Teachers Pay and Conditions, however, would like to add an extra Music Centre if budgets allowed as we’d have to pay additional staff.


Members asked what the roles entailed for the two senior staff Member’s. It was explained by officers that they carry out the Performance Management duties in the office a day a week and the rest of the time they teach.


Members asked if the Music Centre was funded for instruments. It was explained that anything raised goes to the Friends of West Glam Youth Music. The money goes back in and then back to the children.


The Cabinet Members highlighted that the previous Leader was very passionate on preserving the Music Service and commended the team and the children for the efforts that are put in to the work.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.





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