Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following items


Cabinet Board Proposals


2.1    Corporate Plan Key Performance Indicators 2018/2019 – Quarter 1 Performance (1st April 2018 - 30th June 2018)


Members received information on the quarter 1 performance management data for Corporate Plan Key Performance Indicators for the period 1 April 2018 to 30 June 2018 for Environment, as detailed in the circulated report.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.


2.2    Winter Service Operations


Members were provided with an update on the preparation that is on-going to ensure the successful delivery of winter service operations in readiness for the 2018-19 winter season, as detailed in the circulated report.


Members asked officers whether they felt prepared for the upcoming winter, Officers explained that everything is in place and feel prepared. Officers mentioned they have an excellent relationship with the salt supplier. Officers explained if they have a busy winter this will have a knock on effect with the day to day service, but officers reassured members they make sure it is dealt with. 


Members asked whether the vehicles are programmed with the route, Officers explained they have a tracker which is similar to a sat nav, if the team need to track the vehicle at anytime then the tracker allows them to.


Members complimented the Officers for their hard work during a bad winter last year.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.



2.3    Year review of Grit Bin Provision in Neath Port Talbot


Members received information on a 3 year review of the grit bin policy in Neath Port Talbot, as detailed in the circulated report.


Officers highlighted that in the Executive Summary, it state ‘report of 29th October 2018, of which should read ‘report of 29th October 2015’ Officers apologised for this error.


Members asked how often are the bins checked, Officers explained that members of the public usually ring when more grit bins are needed. Members commented that they can check the bins if they are passing.


Members queried if more bins are added to different wards, Officers explained that the number of bins were now capped, but this will need to go to Committee with a robust business if there was a demand for them. Officers added that Members could re-prioritise the locations of the grit bins in their wards.


Members requested a map of all grit bins in the borough. Officers stated that they would circulate this information.


Following scrutiny, the Committee were supportive of the proposals to be considered at Cabinet Board.


2.4    School Term Time Permit/Police Permits


Members received information on the permit scheme for schools in the Neath town centre with a view to reducing indiscriminate parking at drop off times and to allow South Wales Police Crime Scene Investigators based at Neath Police Station authorisation to park in Neath multi-storey car park, as detailed in the circulated report.


Members highlighted that they would like parking free of charge between the hours of 8am and 9am for the parents, Officers advised members that this would not be possible due to the cost to generate the permit.


Members asked if this scheme had been run in any other area, Officers confirmed that this had not been done in any other area, and this is being looked at as the car park is very near to the schools.


Members asked Officers, if a child needs to be picked up from school during the day due to an illness, would parents needs to park elsewhere. Officers confirmed that they would need to park elsewhere, unless after 3pm where parking is available on level 3.


Members highlighted the possibilities of the parking being available to more areas such as the police utilising the beach.. Officers explained they are happy to look into this further and stated there will be an annual report coming in November to the Committee.


Following scrutiny, the Committee were supportive of the proposals to be considered at Cabinet Board.


2.5    To delegate Authority to Officers in undertaking the statutory and regulatory duties of Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act (FWMA) 2010 and associated Orders and Regulations


Members received information on the request to grant delegated authority to the Director of Environment and Head of Engineering & Transport and the Head of Streetcare in respect to the statutory and regulatory duties within and associated with Schedule 3 of the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, as detailed in the circulated report.


Members commented on the difference between engineering and planning and asked Officers if they could be synchronised. Officers explained that they are different statutory processes, but would be trying to align applications.


Members commented on the fantastic work that has been done on Cwmafan Road recently.


Officers commented that an amendment was required to the recommendation to also include the Head of Streetscene in the list of officers with delegated authority.


Following scrutiny, the Committee were supportive of the amended proposal to be considered at Cabinet Board.