Agenda item

Application No: P2014/0729

Application for an extension to and reconfiguration of the underground coal workings.  Creation of a mine waste repository with the retention and improvement of the associated haul road (to dispose of mine waste and discard from coal preparation at the mine) and the delivery of further peat habitat mitigation works.  Mine Surface development, including – regularisation and time extension of existing mine related operations and mine surface development, consolidation of existing planning permissions and planning controls, construction of infrastructure/buildings, formation of materials storage and stocking areas, drainage works, and landscaping. (Further information received 18/05/15). At Aberpergwm Colliery, Glynneath, Neath. SA11 5SF.




Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application (Application for an extension to and reconfiguration of the underground coal workings; Creation of a mine waste repository with the retention and improvement of the associated haul road (to dispose of mine waste and discard from coal preparation at the mine) and the delivery of further peat habitat mitigation works; Mine Surface development, including - regularisation and time extension of existing mine related operations and mine surface development, consolidation of existing planning permissions and planning controls, construction of infrastructure/buildings, formation of materials storage and stocking areas, drainage works, and landscaping, at Aberpergwm Colliery, Glynneath, Neath SA11 5SF) as detailed in the circulated report.



That in accordance with Officers’ recommendations, Application No. P2014/0729 be approved, subject to the conditions detailed in the circulated report, and subject to the applicant entering into a Section 106 Agreement, also detailed in the circulated report.


Supporting documents: