Agenda item

Members' Annual Personal Development Review (PDR) Process

Report of the Task and Finish Group


In accordance with minute No 5 of the Democratic Services Committee held on 1 February 2018, the Committee received the findings of the Task and Finish Group set up to consider the Members' Annual Personal Development Review (PDR) Process as contained within the circulated report. 

Members queried whether the Head of Democratic Services had received the necessary training to undertake Annual Personal Development Reviews with Elected Members and enough time due to other work commitments. The Head of Democratic Services confirmed she had received the necessary training and would keep under review her capacity to carry out reviews if requested.

Members queried whether training to become a reviewer was available to all Members or to a limited number. Officers stated that previously nominations had been sought from group leaders and had been limited to half a dozen reviewers.


That the recommendations contained in the circulated report be supported and that nominations be sought from Group Leaders with training being arranged as appropriate. 



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