Agenda item

Welsh Language Standards


That Members note the update provided, in respect of the Council’s Challenge to the Welsh Language Commissioner.


That Members authorise the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer, to submit the proposed response to the Welsh Language Commissioner, bilingually.


Cabinet Members thanked Councillor A. Woolcock for his good work as Chair for the Welsh Language Task and Finish Group.




1.    That the update provided, in respect of the Council’s Challenge to the Welsh Language Commissioner, be noted;


2.    That the Assistant Chief Executive and Chief Digital Officer be given authority, to submit the proposed response to the Welsh Language Commissioner, bilingually.


Reason for Decisions:


To authorise a response to be provided to the Welsh Language Commissioner, in relation to the proposed determination for Standards which remain subject to Challenge.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.


Supporting documents: