received the report of the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services,
and an Addendum report circulated at the meeting on the proposed Membership of
the Planning Committee (Minute Number
above refers), together with a proposed change to the Membership of the
Economic and Community Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.
RESOLVED: 1. that
the following Membership of the Planning
Committee be
approved, with effect from 11th November, 2014:-
Councillors: R.G.Jones
(Chairman), E.E.Jones (Vice Chairman), Mrs A.Chaves, Mrs.S.Paddison, Mrs.S.M.Penry, R.Thomas, D.Keogh, Mrs.L.G.Williams, D.W.Davies, Mrs.R.Davies, Mrs.J.Dudley and S.K.Hunt.
2. that, with effect from 11th
November, 2014, Councillor S.K.Hunt be replaced by
Councillor A.Taylor on the Economic and Community
Regeneration Scrutiny Committee.