Agenda item

Presentations from Members of the Public Services Board who have been identified to lead the development of work activities for each of the priorities set out in the Draft Well-being Plan.


The Committee received presentations from Members of the Public Services Board who have been identified to lead the development of work activities for each of the priorities set out in the Draft Well-being Plan.


The Lead Officers had been asked to provide further detail on the activities set out in the priorities, how the proposed activities will make a difference and the commitment required by the Council to undertake the proposed activities.


To Support Children in their Early Years especially Children at risk of Adverse Childhood Experiences


Further detail of activities

Locality approach

Pilot approach

Make sure resources are targeted with more intelligence

Work with practitioners to understand what good partnerships look like

Learning continuously to spread across other clusters and wards

Asset mapping, data mapping co-ordination of services and community engagement


How activities will make a difference

Bringing children and families with you

Good practice becomes best practice everywhere

Engaging as early as possible before barriers to learning are encountered

A more tailored and connected approach

Learning in real time what is working and what needs to change

Connect with children and families with support available in the locality

Reach the hardest the reach families


To create Safe, confident and resilient communities focussing on vulnerable people


Further detail of activities

Reviewing evidence to see what can be done to prevent people experiencing vulnerability

Remove barriers to information sharing

Focus initial work in Sandfields

Mapping- finding out from the community what the issues are from the front line practitioners and other community partners/individuals.

Exploring people’s experience of using systems and to remove barriers that people experience

Explore how we can collaborate differently e.g. co-location, sharing buildings etc. 


How activities will make a difference

Aligning police resources with partners

Have to change levels of demand and respond to that demand differently

Need to address causes of vulnerability not just the symptoms

Empowered frontline staff able to come together around individuals and families

Learn from working differently and to scale this up in other places and doing this in real time


Commitment required:

People to be involved in identifying what works well in communities and who can support different ways of working

Not setting up new structures but working with what we already have

Willingness to work across NPT and Swansea

Elected Member involvement but detail will need to be discussed and agreed


The Committee generally agreed with the issues and discussed the importance of communication around the work being developed within communities. It was agreed that social media has to be considered as part of any communications strategy.


While the Committee agreed with the principles in general, clarity was needed on the challenges and Members felt that from a Health perspective the work needs to start before a child is born as children’s brains develop at much earlier points.


Members agreed that services such as Health Visiting need to be sufficient to pick up all of the children and ensure there is a tailored response.


Members queried how services will engage with people who don’t want to participate. It was explained that the services will look at actively removing barriers and empowering staff.



Encourage Ageing Well


Further detail of activities

Practitioner Forum

Delivery Plans


Commitment required

Support a culture of experimentation ‘being safe to fail.’

Be prepared to explore how we can work differently together

No new resources expected

Help remove resistance to change

Accept that long term goals transcends political cycles


Promote wellbeing through and in the workplace


Further detail of activities

Ask staff what affects their health and wellbeing

Learn and Share event amongst employers to share issues and how we are addressing what works

Identify whether there are things we can work on together

Supporting people who are no longer able to work

Transition from work to retirement to help promote wellbeing into the longer term


How activities will make a difference

Share and scale up good practice

Engaged and productive employees

People better prepared for retirement

People able to contribute to their communities


Recognise and promote green infrastructure, how green infrastructure can support the economic social and cultural wellbeing of the people of NPT.


Further detail of activities

How to build in more green space

Shift culture in NRW to reflect that the environment belongs to the people

Preventing flooding and improving health

How activities will make a difference

More people enjoying the natural environment

Protecting and developing the natural environment

Integrating the use of national assets into the other work-streams.


Members noted that loneliness needs to be given specific emphasis but that there was also an additional issue of ‘hopelessness’.


The Committee queried if ‘ageing well’ is the right title and discussed ‘adding life to years’ could be better.


Members agreed that ‘digital exclusion’ needs to be tackled, and that services need to cater for people who are not digitally minded or where digital is not the right channel.


The Committee discussed how the Centre for Innovative Ageing at Swansea University can help to understand what interventions are most likely to make the difference.


Members felt that it was important to go back to ‘ground zero’ in order to understand what is getting in people’s way of doing what matters.


It was noted that Glynneath is on a flood plane which is stifling development. Discussed how access and transport problems can be taken on board by the PSB.


In conclusion, Members were pleased to note the shared leadership commitment expressed by the Lead Officers. They felt it was important that culture, skills and information sharing is got right at the grass roots level.


Members discussed that communities know what they need and it would be important to bring others around the table such as town and community councils, volunteers and voluntary organisations.