Agenda item

Pontardawe One Stop Shop/Advice Hub





That the extension for 12 months of the Pontardawe One Stop Shop/Advice Hub be approved during which a  further report be brought back to Members following the six months trial of remote access arrangements, and another report be also brought back to Members regarding the outcome of investigations surrounding the number of Council Tax enquiries not dealt with One Stop Shop.


That the following specific recommendations regarding the Advice Hub, as detailed in the circulated report, be approved:-


·       Those agencies that were most visited become the core agencies within the Hub working 2 days (Tuesday and Thursday) – Housing Benefits/Council Tax; NPT Homes and Citizens Advice Bureau.


·       A referral/appointment process is formalised for those agencies who had fewer visitors.


·       To undertake a review of the impact of the following services and bring an update report back to Committee in  6 months time:-


a.     Credit Union

b.    Welfare Rights Unit



Reason for Decisions:


In order to formalise the delivery of Council services at the Pontardawe One Stop Shop location, and to formalise the basis upon which agencies engage with the Hub, on an ongoing basis.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision will be implemented following the three day call-in period.

Supporting documents: