Agenda item



The Committee chose to scrutinise the following items:


Cabinet Board Proposals


4.1     Quality Performance Management Data 2017/18 – Quarter 2 Performance


Members received information on the quarter 2 performance management data for the period 1st April 2017 to 30th September 2017 for Chief Executive’s and Finance & Corporate Services Directorates and the performance management data for the same period for services that are within the remit of the other four Cabinet Boards as contained within the circulated report.


Members noted that the percentage of school days lost due to fixed-term exclusions during the academic year in Primary Schools and Secondary Schools had increased, and requested that further information on pupil numbers be included in the data for future reports


Members asked for further information on the Wellbeing and Behaviour Team. Officers confirmed that the team was newly established and committed to obtaining details on and the dates that the team was established, the impact the team has had since being implemented and clarification on why the data was showing a downward trend to provide to Members


Members highlighted that the performance indicators 36 and 37 detailed on page 41 of the circulated report are below the Welsh average and felt that the explanation provided was not adequate.


Members queried the full time education provision provided by the Authority and asked for further information on the home schooling provision. Officers confirmed that they would get a response from the relevant officers to provide to Members.


Members noted the downward trend of children being supported to live with their family and asked for further information in relation to Looked After Children (LAC) and the support that is offered.


Officers confirmed that they would get a response to Members from the relevant Officers.


Members were concerned that that the percentage of children seen by a dentist within 3 months of being looked after hasn’t increased.


Members asked for information on the process of recruiting social workers to ensure good quality applicants.


Members highlighted that there was an error at the end of page 61 and that the word ‘Gage’ should be spelt ‘Gauge’.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.


4.2     Developing a Language Promotion Strategy


Members received information on the development of a Language Promotion Strategy to meet the requirements of the Welsh Language Standards as contained within the circulated report


The Chair highlighted to the Committee that representation had been received from Cllr.A.Llewelyn, requesting that he be considered for the membership of the Task and Finish Group.


It was agreed that the current Chair and Vice Chair of Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee, be automatically included in the Membership and sustain their roles of Chair and Vice Chair.


Members asked what responsibilities fall to the Council in relation to the Welsh Language Strategy. Officers confirmed that the Authority is not wholly responsible for improving or maintaining the number of Welsh Language Speakers.


Members commended the idea of developing a Task and Finish Group.


The Deputy Leader informed the Committee that the Task and Finish Group would have a smaller membership than the main Committee and would be politically balanced.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by the Cabinet Board taking in consideration of the requests from the Committee.


4.3     Public Services Ombudsman for Wales Annual Letter and Report


          The Committee received information in relation to the Public Services Ombudsman for Wales Annual Letter as contained within the circulated report,


Members asked why the number of complaints received in relation to Roads and Transport is more than double the national average. . Officers confirmed that the relevant Officer would respond back to Members.


          Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.