Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


4.1    Directorate Strategic Priorities 2017-19


The Committee received a presentation on the Directorate Strategic Priorities 2017-19 as contained within the circulated PowerPoint Presentation. Officers commended the contents as an outline to a strategic plan which would be further populated if agreed to form the basis of the priorities going forward.


Members were pleased to note the ongoing discussions with other Heads of Service outside the Directorate and with partner organisations in relation to breaking down silos.


It was queried if one Principal Officer with responsibility for Safeguarding and Quality Assurance was sufficient. It was agreed that the remit is large but that the post is a strategic one subject to careful ongoing scrutiny and monitoring.


The Committee felt it was important that no target is attached to reducing the numbers of Looked After Children (LAC) as the wellbeing of the children within the care of the Authority is paramount. They were pleased to note that Officers confirmed that no target will be placed on reducing the numbers of LAC.


The challenges of working across Directorates in the Council were discussed and the importance of sharing lessons learnt and best practice.


Whilst praise was issued to the teams, concern was raised at the departure of the Director and the appointment of a new Director and the different ‘visions’ that could become apparent although the Committee were keen to see the ‘Asset Based’ Approach being taken forward.


Following scrutiny the Committee were supportive of the proposals included in the presentation.



4.2    Commissioning of a 24 Hour Call Monitoring Service for Assistive Technology Service


          The Committee received information in relation to entering into a 3 year agreement with Camarthenshire County Council for the provision of a Call Monitoring Service as contained within the circulated report.


          Members asked for further information in relation to the funding formula and were informed that it is the agreed Western Bay formula that is utilised.


          Following scrutiny the Committee were supportive of the proposals to be considered at Cabinet Board.


4.3    Homecare Service Inspection Report November 2017.


          The Committee received information in relation to the out-come of the CSSiW Inspection of the in house Homecare Service as contained within the circulated report.


          The Committee congratulated the staff for the positive outcome of the inspection.


          Members asked for further information in relation to the Medication Errors that had occurred. They were informed that a Regulation 26 report to CSSIW is made for any incident that happens in a service user’s home whilst staff are in attendance an example of which is medication error. The team are confident that high levels of vigilance and monitoring are in place. Internal audit had highlighted errors in medicine management such as pharmacy labelling and administrative mistakes such as not signing forms. The Committee were pleased to note that if an error occurs it is discussed and addressed with lessons learnt being shared and were also pleased to note that the margin of error in medicine management was 0.01%.


The Committee queried if there is a grading system for standards of care and were informed that the judgement is made by an inspector at a particular moment in time and the Council is unaware of the scoring system used by the Inspectorate.


Following scrutiny it was agreed that the report be noted.


4.4    Quarter 2 Performance Report 2017-18 Children and Young People Services.


Members received the Performance Information on the 2nd Quarter for Children and Young People Services as contained within the circulated report.


Members noted that the highest average caseload has decreased but asked for further information in relation to the average caseload per worker and what the numbers have been previously. They went on to ask if Officers were confident that the numbers are manageable and it was stated that they are happy with the current levels.


Members noted in relation to PI 27 the local percentages are quarterly but the All Wales data is yearly which makes comparison difficult.


In terms of PI 29a and 29b Members asked if a breakdown of the discrete areas was available for English Maths and Science but it was explained that this is a Welsh Government Indicator so the information is not provided here but it is provided in detail to the Education Skill and Culture Scrutiny Committee.


The Committee noted the data in relation to P28 concerning length of time in days for all children on the Child Protection Register. It was discussed how being on the register is not what protects children but it is the plans and arrangements that are in place around them that contribute towards their safety. Officers explained that a child is moved off the Register when they are no longer at risk of significant harm and that the situation is continually monitored.

Members asked if next time figures could be included of Young People who have come off the Child Protection Register.


A discussion was had in relation to LAC; Members observed that and the fact that some of the cases represent stable and

          long -term placements whilst some are more complex.


Members drew attention to what the department had committed to improve and asked what links were intended to be strengthened between the Fostering and Children’s IT Systems. Officers explained issues such as staff training and development, data capture and forward planning were all be considered going forward.


The Committee asked for further information in relation to Personal Outcomes and learnt that the plans were to increase reviews on personal outcomes by talking to families and service users and to update the system to record what is being achieved. Members looked forward to be kept up to date on the progress of this.


Members asked for further information in relation to ensuring the wellbeing of staff and officers explained the processes that are in place including the Member Panel, monthly supervisions, open door policy, team visits and staff survey.


Following scrutiny it was agreed that the report be noted.



 4.5   Quarterly Performance Management Data 2017-18 Quarter 2 Performance.


Members received the Performance Management Information on the 2nd Quarter for the Social Services Health and Housing Directorate as contained within the circulated report.


The Committee raised concern on homelessness within the County Borough; it was explained that this pressure will be mitigated by the opening of Beaufort House but ongoing work and monitoring will be required.


Members were disappointed at the continued lack of take up of carer’s assessments and agreed there seemed to be cultural issues which are preventing levels of take up.


Following scrutiny it was agreed that the report be noted.



4.6    Social Services Complaints and Representations Annual Report 2016/17


          The Committee received information relating to the Social Services Complaints and Representations Annual Report for 16/17 as contained within the circulated report.


          Members discussed the section ‘why do people complain’ and felt that people usually complain because they want to be heard; it was explained that the explanation in the report is Welsh Government guidance and is not written by the Local Authority.


          Members asked that patterns and trends be identified and information in relation to compensation the next time the report is considered by the Committee.


          Following scrutiny it was agreed that the report be noted.