Agenda item

S.Barry Wales Audit Office on the Annual Improvement Report (AIR) and Introduction to the Wales Audit Office


Council received a presentation from Mr Steve Barry of the Wales Audit Office (WAO) on the Annual Improvement Report (AIR).  In addition Members received a brief outline of the work of the WAO.


Following the presentation Members asked the following:-


·        How were the recommendations made in relation to the governance arrangements for service change monitored.  Members were advised that, since the compilation of the WAO report, the reporting template had been amended to ensure that all the information needed to support decision making was contained within reports and was consistent across the various Committees and Cabinet Boards.  This development build upon the training of reporting Officers had been undertaken throughout the Authority by the Head of Legal Services and the Head of Corporate Strategy and Democratic Services. In relation to evaluating the impact of service changes – the revised report template would identify how change could be assessed, for example evidenced by the continued provision of services, the attainment of statutory requirements for such services as recycling and the provision of improved services.

·        In relation to the risk register, Members expressed concern that progress had been slow and that the register was not yet fit for the purpose of managing the Authority’s risk.  Members noted that the WAO report referenced in the AIR was dated October 2016.  Progress had been made in addressing the recommendations to ensure there was more consistency in the identification, recording, measurement and ongoing reporting of risks. The Council’s insurers Marsh had provided training to reporting Officers and guidance had been introduced to improve consistency.  In due course there would be a need to bring forward a revision of the Risk Policy to incorporate some of the revised arrangements into the Council’s formal arrangements.  All of these changes would be assisted by the introduction of new software.  A further report would be submitted to the Policy and Resources Cabinet Board in early 2018.

·        In relation to the Performance Management Arrangements for the Social Services, Health and Housing Directorate Members noted the WAO proposal that Adult Services ‘learn from’ Children’s Services.

·        Members asked whether the changes to the Committee portfolios which had brought all of the social services functions into one Committee would be seen as an improvement in practice.  Mr Barry advised that he was not able to offer a view on the structure of the Council’s Committees, however, as far as improving performance management, ultimately it was the behaviour of the staff and not the configuration of Committees  that was the most important.


The Leader then summed up and advised Members that this was the last meeting Mr. Barry would attend as he was retiring.  On behalf of Council the Leader thanked him for the professional way in which he had dealt with the Authority and wished him a long, happy and healthy retirement. 


RESOLVED:        that the Wales Audit Office Annual Improvement Report 2016/17, as contained in the circulated report, be noted.

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