Agenda item

Outcome of Members' Survey on Timing of Meetings


Members received an update on the outcome of the Members’ Survey on Timings of Council Meetings, as detailed in the circulated report.


It was highlighted that under Section 6 of the Local Government (Wales) Measure 2011 requires the Council to undertake a survey of Members regarding the timing, frequency and location of meetings at least once during the term of that administration.


Discussion took place on the difficulties that some Members experienced but noted that the survey suggested that the current arrangements were satisfactory for a significant number of Members with the main preference being for morning and afternoon meetings.


Members asked that a canvas of individual committees take place to establish if there was an overall consensus to mornings and afternoons or a combination of both and that the outcomes be brought to the Democratic Services Committee in February 2018.


Members also discussed whether there was a need to have an end time to meetings to enable working Members to manage their diaries.  Members agreed that this would be put on the agenda for the next meeting of Chairs and Vice Chairs meeting for consideration.


The Democratic Services Committee asked that after consultation with the whole committee via the survey and if agreement was received from the majority of the Committee that the next meeting in February  start at 9.30am and to end two hours later.  If any items on the agenda were not considered in that time an additional meeting was to be arranged.  Members of the Committee were also asked to submit any questions prior to the meeting to assist in the running of the meeting.



1.      That arrangements be made to canvas the views of individual Committees Members on their preference for the convening of Committees and a report be brought back to the Democratic Services Committee in February for consideration;



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