Agenda item

Director of Social Services Health and Housing Annual Report 2016-2017


Council received the Annual Report of the Director of Social Services Health and Housing for 2016/17. 


Following presentation of the report, Members raised the following:-


·        In relation to the introduction of Direct Payments, was this now in place and achieving the predicted savings.  Members were advised that there had been a lot of work to put the scheme in place, and that it was too early to determine the savings.  This would be kept under review, however it was important to recognise that the scheme would allow service users the freedom to choose the best care package to meet their own particular needs, and that should that be in house provision, that this would also be provided.

·        Members questioned the ability of the Authority to deliver services through the medium of Welsh?  Officers confirmed that work was ongoing in relation to this issue and that it may be necessary to work in collaboration with neighbouring Authorities. Members were keen to ensure that services provided at the single point of contact could be delivered through both Welsh and English.


RESOLVED:      that the above report be noted.



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