Agenda item

Strategic School Improvement Capital Funding Programme Band B (2019-2024)


Members received the report of the Head of Transformation in relation to the above.  Members were asked to note that the report was not asking Members to agree the particular proposals contained in the report, which, if funding was approved, would come before the Education, Skills and Leisure Scrutiny Committee/Cabinet Board for decision, on a piecemeal basis and would be subject to the necessary consultation.  The Welsh Government had only asked for expressions of interest at this point in time. Members also noted that the Welsh Government had indicated that the Band B proposals may extend into 2026.


Members then raised the following:-


·        That it would have been of benefit if Officers of the Education Directorate had discussed the contents of the report with the Head Teachers and Governors of the schools mentioned in the report – as had been done in relation to Band A.  Members were disappointed that the first schools knew was a letter received on 29 September 2017.

·        Members highlighted the importance of not only improving teaching conditions but also the sporting facilities, also developing community partnerships in this regard, where possible.

·        Concern was expressed at the amount of money to be spent on Welsh medium education, and Members were advised that in the region of £42m would be spent in the 21st Century Schools improvement programme.  As a result of improvements in the South of the County Borough, pupils who currently attend school in the North would relocate to schools closer to where they lived.  This would result in the re modelling of the provision.  In addition it was confirmed that there was potential for the new school in Coed Darcy to be a Welsh medium provision.

·        The local Member expressed concern at the rational for the proposals in relation to Cwmtawe, as it was both successful and oversubscribed.  It was also felt that the proposals in the report had affected the morale of staff and would have a detrimental effect on recruitment.  In addition the vehicular access was at present an issue. Officers responded and advised that there were a number of 3-16 models for consideration in relation to the future of Cwmtawe and that no decision would be made in relation thereto at today’s meeting.

·        Members supported the proposal to upgrade a second tranche of schools, however concern was expressed in using the Mutual Investment Model to fund part of the proposals as it was too similar to Private Finance Initiatives (PFI’s) which had proved to be problematic.

·        Members also asked whether there was a further list of schools should any of the schools mentioned in the report not be progressed.  Officers confirmed that there was as some schools had contacted the Directorate and were unhappy at not being included in Band B.

·        The Director of Finance and Corporate Services confirmed that finances were available to progress the schemes, some as part of a 106 Agreement, but reiterated that today’s report was not asking for Cabinet to commit the resources.



(At this point in the meeting Councillor L. Purcell disclosed an interest as she works at Rhydyfro Primary School as a volunteer and took no further part in the discussions or voting on the report as it referred to Rhydyfro Primary School).


·     The relevant Cabinet Member reiterated that over the last 7 years the Authority had invested £42m in Welsh medium education and again stressed that a decision in relation to each school, contained in the report, would be dealt with on an individual basis.  The report had been produced as a result of Welsh Government asking for expressions of interest in the next round of 21st Century School funding.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by Cabinet.