Agenda item

City Deal


Members of the Regeneration and Sustainable Development Scrutiny Committee had been invited to attend the Committee for this item.


The Chief Executive gave the Scrutiny Committee an overview of his report in relation to the City Deal.  Members noted that this would be a huge commitment on the Authority and that, while the Authority was not averse to risk taking, this had to be managed carefully. 


The Chief Executive advised that he had, today, received a letter from the Future Generations Commissioner, supporting the views contained in the report in relation to sustainability.  A further meeting had been arranged tomorrow in relation to the governance of the City Deal and also next week, in Cardiff.


A further report would be presented to Members once the outstanding matters had been resolved.


The following points were then raised:-


·        There was support for the views contained in the circulated report, in particular including the Regeneration and Sustainable Development Scrutiny Committee going forward;

·        Although there were schemes within the overall plan for all of the local Authority areas, the main focus was on Swansea as the regional capital and many of the Neath Port Talbot residents worked in Swansea. 

·        Although there was a complex element of risk associated with the City Deal, there was a potential for significant benefits.

·        As there was little for the valley areas, how much room was there for negotiation of the schemes?  The Chief Executive advised that there was still a potential to change some of the 11 projects identified, although such projects as the Digital Infrastructure was seen as benefitting the Valley areas by increasing connectivity.

·        Was there a possibility of the Swansea Bay Metro including the valleys to aid work/training opportunities? Also would there be a possibility of joining both the Cardiff and the Swansea Metro’s in order to make the service more inclusive?  Members attention was drawn to the fact the Swansea Bay Metro would bypass Neath – was this acceptable?

·        Members were supportive that the report be referred to the Regeneration and Sustainability Scrutiny Committee for discussion, although the final decision would be taken by Cabinet.

·        Members question the timescale around agreeing the Joint Working Arrangement and also the setting up of the Joint Committee and were advised that it was hoped to have set them up before Christmas.  It was important to finalise the arrangements prior to the entering into the agreement and to agree on governance arrangements.  Members noted that until these had been agreed it would not be possible to approve any of the 11 projects.

·        The budget setting for the Authority would be finalised in the New Year, and therefore there was a need to complete negotiations in order to feed into the budget process. Since the initial discussions Members acknowledged that such things as the issues around Pantteg, in the Swansea Valley, had emerged.

·        In relation to the ABMU, Members were concerned at the ability to undertake the ARCH Project, due to its financial difficulties.  The Chief Executive confirmed that there had been no progress on the project.

·        Members expressed concern as to whether the City Deal would come to fruition as there were comparisons with the Lagoon.  Why had the Lagoon not progressed?  This was as the Prime Minister had not yet signed the paperwork.

·        Members felt that perhaps Joint Scrutiny should be in place now, in order to scrutinise the setting up of the scheme.  The Chief Executive advised that it would be necessary to establish the Joint Working Agreement first and that thereafter a Scrutiny Committee be established to mirror it.

·        Members asked how the establishment of the UK Austerity Fund following Britain’s exit from the European Union would affect the Authority and were advised that this was unknown at present, however the Authority had a good track record with realising funds through EU grants and it was hoped that this would continue

·        Members noted that Welsh Government was of the view that Councils should be ambitious and take risks in order the realise funding through the City Deal, however Members felt that the Authority would be taking all the risk at this point as the details were not yet finalised.

·        Members expressed disappointment in that the UK Government had taken a u turn in extending the electrification of the railway to Swansea.


Following Scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by Cabinet.