Agenda item

Response to the Welsh Government consultation 'Our Valleys, Our Future' Consultation Document




That the Task Force advice form the substantive basis of the Council’s response to Welsh Government, but incorporating the key points made by the Scrutiny Committee and the amendments put forward during the Cabinet meeting.


Cabinet reflected on the content of the advice documented by the Task and Finish Group and welcomed the detailed consideration that had been given to the Welsh Government proposals.  Cabinet also noted the points made in Scrutiny Committee.  Amendments were suggested by individual Cabinet Members re the importance of securing investment for a strategic hub; the need for Councils to be compensated if a free car parking policy was to be implemented; and that priority be given to establishing a fit for purpose transport infrastructure.




That the Task Force advice form the substantive basis of the Council’s response to Welsh Government, but incorporating the key points made by the Scrutiny Committee and the amendments put forward during the Cabinet meeting.


Implementation of Decision:


The decision is for immediate implementation.  The Chair has agreed to this course of action.  There will therefore be no call in of this decision.


Reason for Decision:


In order for this Authority’s views in relation to the Welsh Government consultation document to be taken into account and also to meet the deadline.




Supporting documents: