Agenda item

Western Bay Youth Justice and Early Intervention Annual Plan 2017/2018


Prior to consideration of the Report, the Leader of Council advised Members that the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing, Nick Jarman, would shortly be leaving the Authority.  He wished to place on record his thanks for the work he had done in improving Childrens’ Services resulting in their removal from “Special Measures”, and in also modernising the services and realising substantial savings.


The Chief Executive, together with other Members of Council, also thanked Mr Jarman.  Mr Jarman then responded.


Council then considered the report of the Director in relation to the Western Bay Youth Justice and Early Intervention Annual Plan 2017/2018.


RESOLVED:      That the Western Bay Youth Justice and Early Intervention Annual Plan 2017/2018, as contained in the Appendix to the circulated report, be approved.





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