Agenda item

Election of Mayor for the remainder of the Civic Year 2017/18


On the motion of Councillor Councillor S.Paddison seconded by Councillor E.V.Latham, it was:-


RESOLVED:      That Councillor Dennis Keogh be elected Mayor for the remainder of the Civic Year 2017/18 pursuant to Section 23(1) of the Local Government Act 1972.


Councillor Dennis Keogh then subscribed to the Oath of Allegiance administered by the Chief Executive and made the formal Declaration of Acceptance of Office.


The Chief Executive was pleased to announce that the Mayoress would be Mrs Christine Keogh and the Mayor’s Chaplain would be Canon Illtyd Protheroe from Carmarthen.


The Chairperson then adjourned the meeting in order for the Mayor to take his seat as Chairperson of Council.