Agenda item

Sickness Absence Monitoring Report


Members received an update on the Sickness absence Monitoring report informing them of the management of sickness absence across the Council.


Members queried how the authority identifies outside of workplace related stress and what is the authority doing to help assist the staff with this. Officers confirmed that when the absence is reported by staff the information is collated.  The Council’s primary responsibility is to ensure measures are in place to deal with work related stress.    Where issues outside of the workplace are causing stress,  they can be referred to the NHS with wellbeing through work programme, Counselling support is available and recently a trial of Mindfulness Sessions took place. Stressors outside of the workplace are obviously outside of the Council’s control, but where possible and reasonable, managers can support employees with, for example, changes to their working patterns to enable more flexibility in their working day and to enable them to juggle conflicting priorities.



Members requested that the Director of Education, Leisure & Lifelong Learning report  to the Education, Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committee in relation to Teacher absence.


Members asked if the Trade Unions were involved during the development stages of the Early Intervention and Effective Communication strategy. Officers highlighted that they were involved and that a trade union representative had been seconded to the HR team for a six month period to enable the joint development of the strategy.  There continues to be good communication between the trade unions and the Authority.


Members commended the Council for signing up to the Dying to Work Scheme.


Members queried what support was available to staff who have been  bereaved. Officers confirmed counselling support is available and that guidance has been developed to support managers.

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