Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


3.1     Quarterly Performance Management Data 2016-2017  Quarter 4 Performance (1st April 2016 – 31st March 2017)



          The Members received the quarter 4 performance management data for the period 1st April 2016 to 31st March 2017 for Chief Executive’s and Finance & Corporate Services directorates and the performance management data for the same period for services that are within the remit of the other four Cabinet Boards (Education, Skills and Culture t; Social Care Health and Wellbeing;Street Scene and Engineering; and Regeneration and Sustainable Development).



          Members complimented the Colour coding on the Quarter Performance reports, as this made the information easy to read on the iPad’s.


          Officers advised Members that a new ICT system was being implemented to support the development of performance management and there  would  be an opportunity for Members’ requirements to be considered as part of the implementation of the new Performance Management system. Members indicated that they would like to get involved.


Members asked about comparative data. Officers confirmed that comparison of results over time and with other authorities across Wales would be a feature of reporting arrangements.


          Members asked how Customer Services performance was measured. Officers highlighted that the uses an IT system that records how many calls are received, how many calls are answered, the speed of response and also the number of callers who abandon calls. These data are available for callers who wish to be dealt with in both Welsh and English.  It was noted that call volumes vary, for example, there are usually significant increases in calls when there are changes to services such as refuse and recycling.  Customer Services staff work closely with service managers to identify when such changes are likely to be introduced and to then establish measures that mitigate the potential for there to be a negative impact on Customer Services performance.

          Members asked if there are any other issues that affected the Average Customer waiting times (face to face contact).  Members were advised that performance for face to face services was broadly consistent over time. Greater volatility in call volumes and performance is experienced in the Contact Centre.


          Members were pleased to note that 99% of the Neath Port Talbot Webpages are now available in Welsh.


          Members asked if it was possible to have the number of calls by ward. Officers highlighted that it is not possible to capture that data as of yet, however, Officers would look to incorporate it in to the new telephony system that is being introduced to the council in the future.


          Members commended the significant improvement in Key Stage 2 results and asked why there had been such an improvement in key stage 2 and requested it be maintained. Officers advised Member’s that Improvements are based on continual support for schools in leadership, teaching and learning and that Schools have worked hard to support pupils with planned intervention, strong moderation and standardisation.


Members commended the progress towards 64% target in waste management and asked if the Recycle Plus  scheme was putting more pressure on staff as there have been occasions where collections have been late and not on the right day. Members also asked for details of the cost in overtime payments to complete collections Officers advised that the question would be directed to the relevant officer as the information was not available on the day of the committee. The officer response would then be shared with Members of this committee and also with the relevant scrutiny committee.

Members asked whether the percentage of final special education needs statements issued within 26 weeks will continue to improve to get nearer the All Wales percentage of 68.1%.  As the data was not available at committee, officers advised that the information would be obtained from the relevant department and circulated to Members of the committee once available.


Members commended the number of visits to sports centres which have increased from 5775 to 8409, however were concerned that the Authority is still 22nd in Wales.The Chair of Education, Skills and Culture Scrutiny Committee highlighted that the question was raised in Leisure and Culture Sub Committee. He advised the Member that this wasn’t a true reflection as they don’t take in to account any football or rugby clubs.


Members asked whether the percentage of fly tipping incidents included Private Land as well as Public land. Officers highlighted that it was on Authority Land.


Members asked whether weed spraying was still going ahead, as they were concerned about this issue. Officers informed Members that they would get a response from the relevant Officers and circulate it to Members of the committee.


Members queried that in previous Performance reports for Environment, there would be indicators on Potholes and therefore, requested that an update report on Potholes be added to the Streetscene and Engineering Forward Work Programme.


Members requested that an updated report on Workforce come back to a future meeting to monitor the impacts on the Workforce.


Members requested a ward by ward breakdown on recycling complaints to be taken back to the Streetscene and Engineering Committee.


Following scrutiny, it was agreed that the report be noted.



3.2     Supply of Groceries, Provisions and Frozen Foods


Members received an update on extending the current framework arrangements in relation to the supply of groceries, provisions and frozen foods for a period of up to 6 months.


Members asked what the delay was of the procurement of contracts. Officers highlighted that the national Procurement framework have contracts in place and the authority are ready to do a tendering exercise.


Members asked where the National Procurement Service sits. Officers highlighted that the Head of Information, Technology and Communication would get back to the relevant Member.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposal to be considered by the Cabinet Board.


3.3     Extension of Contracts for Provision of an Occupational Health Physician and 2nd Opinion Occupational health Physician


          Members received information to extend the current contracts for the Provision of an Occupational Health Physician and 2nd Opinion Occupational Health Physician to ensure continuity of Occupational health Physician Services and to allow for the procurement and implementation of new contracts.


Members queried that providers may wish to challenge. Officers highlighted that they may wish to challenge to bid for the extended period which could make the Authority go out to tender and a potential risk of not having a continuity of service.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposal to be considered by the Cabinet Board.