Agenda item

Application No: P2017/0112


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application (development of new roadside services, to include sales building (use class A1), forecourt canopy, underground storage tanks, car care facilities, coffee shop/restaurant with drive thru facility (A1/A3), car parking, landscaping and associated works at Land Between A465 and, High Street, Blaengwrach, SA11 5NZ) as detailed in the circulated report.


In accordance with the Council’s approved Public Speaking Protocol, Councillor C.Edwards (Local Ward Member), P.Richards (Town/Community Councillor, against the application), L.Jenkins (also against the application, for different reasons), followed by J.Sutton (Agent), addressed the Planning Committee.


Committee then debated the application in line with the protocol.


In line with the paragraph 14.6 of the Council’s Rules of Proceedure, Councillor S.Bamsey exercised his right for his individual vote to be recorded at this item – the Councillor voted against the proposal.



That following the site visit prior to today’s meeting on 6 June 2017, and in accordance with Officers’ recommendations, Application No. P2017/0112 be approved with conditions as detailed within the circulated report, and the additional/amended conditions as follows:


1.             Amended condition 7 as follows:


(7) Prior to work commencing on site, a scheme shall have been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority detailing the measures (both on- and off-site) which will be put in place to prevent the use of the site/development at any time for the purpose of servicing or fuelling Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGVs), with the use of the site by HGVs restricted only to those servicing the fuel tanks at the filling station.  In addition to physical measures on site, the scheme shall include the specification and location of a highway sign to be designed  in compliance with Traffic Signs Regulations and General Directions 2016 advising motorists of the HGV restriction. The Approved signage and measures shall be implemented prior to the first beneficial use of the development hereby permitted, and thereafter retained at all times.




In the interest of highway safety.


2.             Additional condition (No. 19 with subsequent conditions re-numbered): waste / refuse / litter management scheme:


(19) No building hereby permitted shall be occupied until such time as a waste/refuse/litter management scheme – which shall provide for waste bins, screens/enclosures and regular management of the site - has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority, and all approved measures implemented on site. The use shall thereafter be operated in accordance with the agreed scheme.




In the interests of visual amenity.


3.             Additional Condition 22: Restriction on hours of operation for A3 use:


(22) In respect of the Class A3 drive-thru coffee shop/restaurant, customers are not permitted on the site (including drive-thru) or premises outside the hours of 07:00 to 23:00.




In the interests of residential amenity.


4.             Amended condition 14 as follows:


(14) Prior to work commencing on construction a scheme shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for written approval detailing pedestrian, cycle and vehicular access improvements fronting onto chain road, including measures designed to ensure that safe access to the pedestrian underpass to the north is maintained.  This scheme as approved shall remain open to the public thereafter and shall be implemented prior to the first use.




In the interest of visual amenity.


Supporting documents: