Agenda item

Corporate Improvement Objective - Digital by Choice - Highlight Report - Quarter 3 progress report (April 1st - 31st December) 2016-17


Members considered the quarterly highlight report of the Corporate Improvement Objective Digital by Choice.


Members asked was the Council on target to deliver all the actions contained within the report. Officers advised that they were but there had been some issues in particular in relation to Margam Park and the provision of WiFi. The issue has now been resolved but it required in-depth discussions with CADW on where the transmitter could be sited at the  orangery.


Members asked whether any training is available for Community Councils and their staff on using computers as this will increase the accessibility for the public. Officers noted that there was nothing that the Council was currently doing to provide training but it may be something that One Voice Wales may be able to offer.


Following Scrutiny the report was noted.                     



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