Agenda item

Application No: P2016/1099


Officers made a presentation to the Planning Committee on this Application as detailed in the circulated report.


In accordance with the Council’s approved Public Speaking Protocol Ms.L.Davies (Applicant) addressed the Planning Committee.


Cllr.J.Rogers, Local Ward Member also addressed the Committee.


Committee then debated the application and in line with the new protocol the Chairperson clarified matters raised by the Committee with the applicant.


RESOLVED:           That in accordance with Officer’s Recommendations Application P2016/1099 be approved with Conditions as detailed in the circulated report and with the following amendments:-


                                  1.           That an additional condition 4 be                     inserted (with subsequent conditions             re-numbered) as follows:


                                                (4)     Prior to the first beneficial use,                         a self-closing gate shall be                                    provided to the existing                                  pedestrian access point off                         Margam Road, which shall be                          retained at all times thereafter.




                                                          In the interests of safety.


                                      2.      That Condition 5 (now Condition 6)                 be amended as follows to reflect the             opening hours requested by the                 applicants at Committee:     


                                                (6)     The use hereby permitted shall                        not be open to customers                                        outside the following times:                                 07.00am to 18.00pm.



                                                          In the interest of the amenities                         of the area.







Supporting documents: