Agenda item

Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Driver Safeguarding Training


Members considered a report on the delivery of training to Hackney Carriage and Private Hire Drivers on Safeguarding. Officers advised that this report was presented following a request by the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee that the work needed to be highlighted.


Members questioned why the report stated that there was no financial impact and asked how the costs of delivering the training were met. Officers stated the training is taking place within the Council’s committee rooms and is being provided free of charge by the corporate training team.  


Members asked for clarification on what the training involved. Officers answered that a lot of the content was in relation to child sexual exploitation but also included information in relation to domestic abuse. Officers stated that the presentation that was used at the training would be circulated to Members.


Clarity was sought on whether it could be compulsory for taxi drivers to attend the training. Officers confirmed that at present the training was voluntary and that mandatory training was a difficult issue; further advice from legal would be required


Members asked whether those who have attended the training session could be given a sticker to display within their vehicle to show that it is a safe vehicle. Officers stated that this was a good idea and would be investigated further.


Following scrutiny the report was noted and Members requested an update report annually on how many drivers had accessed the training.



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