Agenda item

School Admissions Policy


Members were supportive of the amendment requested by the Children, Young People and Education Scrutiny Committee held prior to this meeting.




1.      That, in line with School Admissions Code, 2013 and the Education (Determination of Admission Arrangements) (Wales) Regulations 2006,  the admission arrangements for community schools for the 2018/2019 academic year as detailed in the circulated report be approved.


2.      That an annual report be provided to Children, Young People and Education Scrutiny Committee at a future meeting highlighting any cases in secondary schools where children had been unsuccessful in obtaining a place at their desired school.


Reason for Decisions:


To enable the Authority to meet  its statutory duties.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decision will be implemented after the three day call in period.




Consultation has taken place as set out in the Welsh Government’s School Admission Code as detailed in the circulated report.




Supporting documents: