Agenda item

Legal Services Report Card 2016/17 - Licensing Section


Members considered Licensing Section’ service report card.


Members were advised that Safeguarding training has commenced for taxi licence holders and a specific report on this had recently been considered by the Policy and Resources Scrutiny Committee.


Members asked whether the 6th person waiting for an appraisal would receive one by the end of March 2017. Officers advised that the 6th person had only recently started within the section.


Members asked how many taxi drivers there were within the County Borough. Officers stated that there were currently 355 taxi licence holders and between 250 and 260 taxis. Members continued by asking whether there was an upper limit on the number of licences that can be issued. Officers confirmed that there was no power to limit driver numbers. A limit can be imposed on hackney carriage vehicles, (subject to a survey showing no unmet demand), but there was currently no intention to implement a limit.


Members asked why there had been unplanned departures from the section and were advised that this was because the individuals had secured better, higher grade positions within the Council.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.


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