Agenda item

Welsh Language Standards


The Cabinet Board noted receipt of Appendix 3, which had been circulated at the Scrutiny Committee.




1.         That the update provided in respect of the Council’s Challenge to the Welsh Language Commissioner, be noted and that the Chief Executive be authorised to submit the proposed response, as contained in the circulated report, with the stipulation that dialogue continues to seek a mutually acceptable agreement;  


2.         That the Chief Executive be given delegated authority to make any further minor presentational changes prior to submission of the response to the Welsh Language Commissioner;


3.       That the views of the Scrutiny Committee in relation to street signage, be noted, and that Officers consider that, where there is no direct translation into Welsh, the sign take the form “Heol (…….) Street”. 


Reason for Decisions:


To authorise a response along with additional information to be provided to the Welsh Language Commissioner, together with the Council’s proposals for the Final Compliance Notice to be modified in order that the Welsh Language Standards to be applied to the Council in the first instance are reasonable and proportionate.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decision is for immediate implementation, the Chairman of the Scrutiny Committee had agreed to this course of action there would therefore be no call in of these decisions.




Supporting documents: