Agenda item

Capital Programme 2017/18 to 2019/20


Members received the report of the Head of Financial Services in relation to the above and raised the following:-


·                    In relation to the funding, Members sought confirmation of the amount of Welsh Government unhypothocated grant/borrowing.  It was confirmed that this totalled £7.131m and together with other specific grants and funding resulted in a capital programme of £59m;

·                    In relation to the Strategic School Improvement Programme (SSIP) Members asked whether a timescale had been agreed in relation to Band B schools and noted that Band A was scheduled for completion by 2019 and that Band B was scheduled to start thereafter;

·                    In relation to the Vibrant and Viable Places Scheme, Members asked whether there had been any feedback on the Authority’s request to extend the funding.  Members were advised that projects were being identified should additional funding become available.  In addition Members requested an update as to how funding would be affected following Brexit. It was confirmed that bids were being submitted to WEFO to maximise existing funding and that the UK Government had guaranteed funding would continue after 2019 for those projects already approved at the time of instigating the Article 50 Notice.


Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by Cabinet.