Agenda item

Budget 2017/18


After presentation of the report, Members raised the following points:


·                     Should the Draft Budget for 2017/18 be approved would this result in compulsory redundancies.  The Chief Executive advised that compulsory redundancies would be avoided for 2017/18, however as the Workforce Agreement was no longer in place there could be no guarantees going forward.  The Early Retirement/Voluntary Redundancy scheme was continuing to work however the number of staff taking part was reducing year on year;

·                     In relation to the proposed cut in the schools’ base budget, Members expressed concern that some schools were already struggling financially and that this may result in compulsory redundancies. The Chief Executive advised that the cut in schools’ base budgets had been reduced and that as part of the consultation process, discussions had been held with primary and secondary schools regarding, for example, the level of sickness.  A pilot scheme had been run in schools to reduce the levels of sickness and this had appeared to have a positive impact. In addition Members were advised that reserves in schools needed to be carefully managed.  Members were also reminded that the teaching Trade Unions had refused year on year to sign up to the Council’s Workforce Agreement.  This had resulted in the other Trade Unions refusing to continue with the Agreement beyond 2016/17.

·                     Members also referred to the Authority’s facilities at Margam Park, Pontardawe Arts Centre and Cefn Coed Museum.  Concern was expressed at the cuts in funding to both Pontardawe Arts Centre (in the region of £30k) and Cefn Coed Museum (in the region of £10k).  In relation to the Pontardawe Arts Centre, Members were advised that  officers were looking in to possible investment streams and also at the opening/staffing hours compared with the Princess Royal Theatre in Port Talbot.  The Director of Education Leisure and Lifelong Learning confirmed that he was confident in the future of the Arts Centre.  In relation to the Cefn Coed Museum, this would reopen for a 4 day week commencing in Easter, rising to 5 days per week in May. In order to assist £10k had been put into specific reserves.

·                     In relation to Crime and Disorder, Members asked the reason behind the decision taken by the City and County of Swansea not to collaborate on CCTV.  The Director of Finance and Corporate Services advised Members that Welsh Government had issued new guidelines on the siting of cameras, which had resulted in the Authority removing those units not in compliance. 


(At this point in the meeting Cllr.M.Harvey re affirmed his interest in this item and withdrew from the meeting during discussion thereon).


Members expressed concern that Welsh Government was supporting collaboration as a way of reducing costs while the savings to be realised were minor.  The Welsh Government had today published its White Paper.  Details of the collaboration accountability arrangements would need to be clarified by Welsh Government.  The Chief Executive would report further to Members in due course.


Members felt that a reinvestment into visible services such as fly tipping, etc was necessary and asked why the one off payment of £1.2m in 2016/17 had been reduced to £970k in 2017/18.


Members questioned why the Authority was not using more of its reserves to underpin the budget, when the amount in reserves had increased by £2m.  Members asked what was the acceptable range of reserves and were advised that it would be prudent to retain around 5% of the budget, however as the austerity continued it was advisable to retain the reserves in order to prop up the budget and maintain service delivery going forward.  Members were also reminded that the reserves were utilised to respond to emergencies in the County Borough, such as flooding.


In relation to sickness in schools, Members commented that a review of sickness in schools would show that non- teaching staff had the highest rate of sickness.  At this point Members asked if £1m of the reserves could be used to offset the cuts to the school base budget and Cefn Coed Museum.


Following scrutiny, the majority of the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by Cabinet.