Agenda item



The Committee scrutinised the following matters:


Cabinet Board Proposals


7.1    Homecare Service – CSSIW Inspection Report


Members considered a report that was the outcome of the CSSIW inspection of the in house Homecare service undertaken in 2016.


Members welcomed the report and the positive assessment made by CSSIW. They asked whether CSSIW undertake similar inspections with private sector providers. Officers confirmed that the inspections are the same.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.


7.2    Pre-Paid Cards to Support Direct Payments


Members considered a report that sought to change the provider of the Pre-Paid Cards.


Members asked who would be liable for the cost of the cards. Officers confirmed that this would be passed on to the users. Members asked for their concerns to be noted that they hoped this did not cost too much and lessen the funding available as Direct Payments. Officers stated that they would provide the actual cost per card outside of the meeting.


Members asked whether there are any limitations on what can be purchased on the card and if not why aren’t the payments paid directly into a bank account. Officers stated that like other pre-paid credit or debit type cards there are no limitations on what can be purchased. It was further confirmed that whilst many individuals have bank accounts there are some who are unable to open a bank account and thus the pre-paid card is a necessity for them.


Members raised concern that the cards could be mis-used by individuals and officers confirmed that like anything there was this possibility although spending is monitored to ensure that the right types of services are purchased.


Officers stated that Members should be mindful that pre-paid cards were already in place and being used by individuals and the recommendation was to identify an alternative provider and if Members suggested removing the cards totally then this would disadvantage a number of individuals.


Following Scrutiny the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by Cabinet Board.