Agenda item

Corporate Improvement Objective - Improving Outcomes Improving Lives Quarter Three Highlight Report 2016/2017


Members considered the report on the Corporate Improvement Objective; Improving Outcomes Improving Lives.


Members noted that the take up of Direct Payments had increased however, concern was raised that the number of hours of care and support had reduced. Officers explained that this was because the care and support packages were now more tailored to individuals.


Officers noted the concerns of Members that the percentage of referrals screened within 24 hours was 58% as opposed to 74% for the previous year.  Officers explained that this was because of capacity and a lack of resources but this has been addressed and the figure will increase by the end of the year.


Members noted that there had been a significant increase in the number of adult safeguarding referrals and asked whether this was due to increased awareness. Officers stated that it was due to a number of factors including an increased awareness. Officers also stated the majority of the increase was in respect of residential care homes that were in escalating concerns.


Members asked for an update on phase 2 of the Gwalia contract. Officers stated that the process was ongoing and negotiations had been difficult. It is hoped that agreement will be reached shortly and then a full update will be provided.


Officers were asked whether there was any delay in people receiving direct payments. Officers stated that there were no delays at present but there had been some issues previously following the departure of the relevant officer with responsibility for Direct Payments. There had been specific problems with the recruitment of personal assistants but this had also been addressed.


Members were informed that the Council was monitoring those homes that had been placed in escalating concerns by CSSIW particularly where there had been safeguarding referrals. Members asked for a further report to be presented to the Committee in relation to the homes.


Members asked for assurance that individuals were not being bullied to take Direct Payments. The Director stated categorically  that this was not happening.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.

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