Members considered a progress report on the provision of Members
Facilities within Port Talbot Civic Centre and Neath Civic Centre.
Officers advised that work would commence in the Members room in Port Talbot
Civic Centre shortly after 20 March 2017.
Members asked whether the new seats that had been ordered were faux
leather or fabric and it was confirmed that they were fabric.
In addition, Members stated that they welcomed the works being undertaken to improve
the audio and visual facilities in Neath Civic Centre.
Members questioned whether there was a possibility of introducing some
sort of tea and coffee vending facility within the Members room in Port Talbot
Civic Centre particularly given the reduced opening hours of the on site coffee shop. It was agreed that quotes would be
obtained for the purchase or the lease of such a facility.
Members also noted that the refrigerator currently in the Members room
was old and unhygienic. Officers confirmed that the item would be replaced as part of the
refurbishment programme and cleaning of the new fridge will be arranged on a
weekly basis.
Members noted that whilst not actually a facility there is a need to
ensure that presentations are readable when shown on projectors and paper
copies. It was agreed that this would be looked at by officers to ensure some
Members asked could they be kept updated on the progress in relation to
the refurbishment of the opposition group rooms. Officers confirmed that this
would be the case but stressed that they may like to the opportunity to have
their own purge on what is currently stored within the office areas.
Members asked for a point of clarity on why no refreshments were allowed
in the Chamber. It was confirmed that this was a historic decision and was in
relation to the furniture and desk finishings.
Officers stated that they would look at allowing liquid refreshments to be
Officers obtain quotes for
the provision of tea/coffee facilities for the Members room in Port Talbot
Civic Centre.
That work is
undertaken to review the possibility of basic guidance being circulated to
encourage officers to prepare and present presentations which are clear,concise and free of
abbreviations and jargon to aid understanding of Members.
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