Agenda item

Strategic Property & Valuation Report Card


Members considered the report card for the Strategic Property and Valuation Service.


Members noted that previously there had been a number of ER/VR posts removed and asked whether any more were planned. Officers stated that none were planned as it was not possible to remove any more staff from the service.


Members asked for clarity in relation to the District Heating and asked for this to be brought to a future meeting.


Members asked what work was being undertaken in relation co-location of organisations. It was confirmed that work was ongoing with social services and health colleagues and discussions had been held with South Wales Police and shortly discussions would commence with Mid and West Wales Fire Service.


Officers were asked whether as part of a Community Asset Transfer Policy whether local communities would be given advance notice of the possibility of assets that would be transferred. It was confirmed that the Council has clarified the process so people understand it but it was agreed that a more robust strategy was required which would also include transferring assets in as well as out.


Members asked whether there was a review on going in relation to public conveniences and officers confirmed there was that was looking at all aspects including the location and frequency of use. A report would be brought back to the Committee at a later date.


Following scrutiny the report was noted.

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