Agenda item

Review of Fees paid at local elections.


The following Officers reaffirmed their interests in this item and withdrew from the meeting:


Mrs K.Jones, D.Rees, R.G.George, N.Evans and Miss.C.L.Davies


Members received an overview of the Review of Fees Paid at Local Elections as detailed within the circulated report.


Members queried what the fees were, when previously reviewed in 2012 and queried whether the fees should be reviewed at each and every electoral event. Officers explained that the fees previously agreed prior to the 2012 Local Government elections were detailed in Members meeting papers. In addition, it was pointed out that election fees are kept under constant review for each and every electoral event. However, prior to every set of ordinary Local Government elections it is the specific responsibility of the Returning Officer to review and agree the local fees and charges structure to ensure they remain appropriate to administer the relevant local polls.


Members asked why the referendum fee had not been taken into account. Officers highlighted that fees and charges regarding national referenda are governed by separate legislation and subject to specific funding allocated by UK Government, via the Electoral Commission.


Members asked if the English Authorities are updating their fees. Officers highlighted that while local elections will be held in all Welsh local authorities, local elections in England will only take place in certain parts of the country. As such it will be up to each individual Returning Officer as to whether they choose to amend their local fee structure as appropriate.


Members queried whether the fees for the Returning Officer are agreed nationally. Officers explained that the UK Government set  the level of fees and charges for all Parliamentary elections and in setting all local fees the Returning Officer has due regard to these national fee levels.


Members asked whether the work of a Returning Officer was part of the Chief Officers normal council duties. Officers highlighted that the position of Returning Officer was not currently part of the job description for any of the Council’s Chief Officers. In addition, when conducting all duties as Returning Officer the relevant appointee assumes personal responsibility and liability for the administration of the electoral event.