Agenda item

Two Supplementary Planning Guidance Documents

·                 Open Space and Green Space

·                 Development and the Welsh Language




1.              That the Open Space and Greenspace Supplementary Planning Guidance, and the Development and the Welsh Language Supplementary Planning Guidance as set out at Appendices 1 – 2 of the circulated report, be agreed as forming the basis for consultation;


2.              That approval be granted for the publication and consultation procedures to commence after the Local Government Elections 2017.


Reasons for Decisions:


1.              To ensure that clear guidance is issued by the Council in respect of Open Space and Greenspace and Development, and the Welsh Language;


2.              To ensure that a consultation exercise is undertaken so that the guidance carries full weight when planning applications and/or appeals are considered.


Implementation of Decisions:


The decisions will be implemented after the three day call in period.




This item will be subject to external consultation.

Supporting documents: