Agenda item

Dyffryn Comprehesive/Groes Primary Schools


The Committee received the comprehensive report of the Head of Transformation in relation to the above.  Members then raised the following issues:


·                       Members were pleased to see Officers’ responses to the points raised as a result of the consultation, but queried the outcome in relation to the windows in the gym.  Officers advised that the architects had been made aware of the concerns and would address these.

·                       Concern was also expressed that teaching staff had been advised that they may be required to teach a different phase.  Officers advised that this could not be ruled out but that teachers would only be asked to teach those lessons/year groups in which they were qualified.

·                       In relation to queries on the planning application, Members were advised that these would be dealt with at the Planning Committee.

·                       Members asked whether the £12m needed for the development would result in additional pressures on the Authority and were advised that this would not be the case as the cost of the new build formed part of the Council’s 21st Century Schools Band A programme of projects for which funding had been secured.

·                       Reassurances were sought that parking would not be an issue at the new school and Officers advised that the 3 ward Members had been involved in the development of the plan and that the Planning Committee would also consider this prior to any decision being made.  One of the local ward Members confirmed that this had been the case and that with the proposed development the current parking issues would also be addressed.

·                       Officers were asked why the commitment to sporting activities at the north campus of YNGG was not as great as that at Bae Baglan and the proposed new school at Margam and questioned the consistency of the Strategic School Improvement Programme.  Officers advised that each school proposal was developed on a scheme by scheme basis having regard to individual circumstances and need.  The constraints of the land available was a factor in the considerations.  Site constraints and affordability required the development of YNGG to be dealt with over 2 phases.

Following scrutiny, the Committee was supportive of the proposals to be considered by Cabinet.