Agenda item

Long Term Sickness Absence Taskforce Update


Members were provided with an update in relation to the work of the Long Term Sickness Taskforce and the early intervention methodology pilot. Officers asked members to note that the figures contained within this report were only in relation to the work of the task force,  so specifically in relation to long term absence only and excluding the school workforce and should not be confused with figures considered in the previous report.


Members received a presentation on the activity of the taskforce during Quarters 1 and 2. The presentation focused on the story behind the data in some directorates and highlighted some of the barriers to reducing absence and how those barriers have been tackled.


Members queried how many employees come to the end of the return to work policy and are formally dismissed. Officers highlighted that in table 13 of Appendix 1 to the Sickness Absence Monitoring Report and the figure of dismissals between 1 April and 30 September 2016 was 6.


Members queried whether Managers are monitored when they are provided with new procedures to utilise within their teams. Officers highlighted that this is a role for Heads of Service, who are provided with monthly sickness data reports, and should discuss sickness absence as a regular item at manager meetings and supervision sessions. 

Members asked about the timescales for dealing with long term sickness absence and Officers stated that it would generally take approximately 6 months to deal with individual cases but the general steps were as follows:


Informal – Manager to arrange a Return to Work Plan meeting with the employee within 28 days of the start of the absence to discuss the nature of the absence and the potential return to work format.

Formal 1 – within six weeks from the first informal contact

Formal 2 – within eight weeks from the 1st Formal Contact

Formal 2 Review – within 4 weeks of formal 2

Formal 3 – within 8 weeks of the formal stage 2 review.


Members requested that the formal stages of the return to work be provided to all members. Officers agreed that this would be circulated outside of the meeting.


Following Scrutiny the report was noted.

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