Agenda item

Pre- Scrutiny


The Committee scrutinised the following matters:-


Cabinet Board Proposals


7.1    Hillside Secure Children’s Home – Estyn Inspection


          Members received an overview of the Hillside Secure Children’s Home – Estyn Inspection which took place between the 19 September and the 22 September 2016 as detailed in the circulated report.


          It was highlighted that there has been a significant improvement within the education provision in Hillside Secure Centre since the direct management of the provision was taken over by Cefn Saeson Comprehensive School, with the improvement continuing with the aim to achieve an excellent grade from Estyn.


          Members asked the following questions:


·        Will Members be kept updated on the progress of improvement?


          Officers agreed to provide reports on a 6 monthly basis to committee to keep Members updated on progress.


·        In our current climate do staff receive any training to enable them to identify young people who could have been radicalised.


Officers explained that staff receive all the training necessary to undertake their role but no issues have been identified that need any specific training.  It was noted that Raising Awareness and Prevent  training has been arranged to commence shortly and is offered to all staff.


Members thanked Officers for all the work that had been undertaken to improve the education provision at Hillside and asked that their thanks be cascaded to all the staff concerned.


Following Scrutiny, the report was noted.




7.2    Annual Pupil Performance Report 2015/16


          The committee received an overview of the Annual Pupil Performance Report 2015/16 as detailed in the circulated report.


          It was highlighted that Neath Port Talbot schools have achieved excellent results especially when considering the high levels of children with special educational needs (SEN).    Neath Port Talbot has the 4th highest proportion of pupils with a special educational needs.  At Key Stage 4 Neath Port Talbot has had its best performance since 2013 with 9 of 11 schools in benchmark quartiles 1 or 2.


          Members asked the following questions:


·        At teacher assessment stage our outcomes are not as good as other Local Authorities.  How do we know if the teacher assessments are being too critical within Neath Port Talbot compared to other Local Authorities?


Officers explained that at Key Stage 4 there is a huge improvement in the results because they are all standard examinations, prior to this it is a teacher assessment which could vary between local authorities.


·        Was there any data available on the reasons for school exclusions?


It was noted the Overall Attendance and Penalty Notices Report contains a detailed breakdown of this information which is reported to Committee on a 6 monthly basis.


Following, Scrutiny the report was noted.


7.3    Establishment of a Temporary Governing Body for the Proposed New All Through School Replacing Dyffryn Comprehensive School and Groes Primary School.


          Cllr.R.G.Jones and Cllr. D.Whitelock re-affirmed their interest  in this item and withdrew from the meeting for this item only.

Members received a verbal update that at the last meeting of Cabinet held on the 4 January 2017, the decision to publicise the statutory notice to create a new (3 –16 age range) school that would replace Dyffryn Comprehensive (Upper and Lower) and Groes Primary Schools was approved which would become operational on the 1 September 2018.  As a result the authority has to establish a temporary governing body to conduct the business for the new school before setting the permanent governing body when the school  becomes operational.  It was highlighted that the composition of the Governing Body is prescribed by the Welsh Government as detailed in the circulated report.


Members asked the following questions:


·        Did Officers take into account when setting up school governing bodies the Welsh in Education Strategic Plan (WESP) because the Welsh Governments ambition is to increase the number of Welsh Speakers by 2015 and as part of this there needed to be a bilingual representation on school governing bodies?


Officers confirmed that the WESP is taken into account but the response to the request for school governor representatives does not always result in a great deal of interest from applicants.


Members also noted that the Welsh Government is currently seeking views from Local Authorities on the Reform of School Governance Consultation.  The draft response will be considered by the next meeting of this committee prior to being submitted to Children, Young People and Education Cabinet Board.


Following Scrutiny, the committee was supportive of the proposals.


7.4    Neath Port Talbot Draft Young Carers Strategy


                   Members received an overview of the Neath Port Talbot          Draft Young Carers Strategy (2016-19) as detailed in the     circulated report.


                 Members were pleased to see that the draft strategy had been developed to try to ensure that the correct support was put in place for young people who carry out a caring a role and it will be interesting to see the feedback from the Consultation to confirm that the correct areas are being targeted.


                 Officers confirmed that the consultation is available on-line.  In addition, focus groups and youth clubs have been targeted to ensure that we try to capture all the information necessary. In addition, the consultation is available in Welsh and a Welsh speaker will attend all the focus groups.  Also, the Communication and Engagement  Plan will accompany the final version of the Young Carers Strategy on its return to Committee for Members to see the detail of consultees.


                 Following Scrutiny, the committee was supportive of the proposals.


7.5            Hillside Secure Children’s Home – CSSIW Inspection


                 The Committee received an overview of the CSSIW Inspection Report (2016) as detailed in the circulated report.


                 Officers confirmed that the Inspection continued to show steady progress and that the quality of care had continued to improve.  In addition, young people were encouraged to express an opinion but this could be developed further.


                 It was also highlighted that an area that needed to improve was Staff Supervision.  Members noted that in the last year there had been a number of staff changes which had an impact of Staff Supervision but this should improve in future.  Also, identified in the Inspection was the improvement in Training and Clinical Supervision.


                 Members asked the following question:


·        In the report it identified an issue with not enough TAITH support has this been improved?


Officers explained that currently this was provided on a 3 day week basis but  the Director of Social Services, Health and Housing was aware of the issues and work was on-going to increase the support from TAITH.


Chair asked that Members appreciation be cascaded to Hillside staff for all the hard work they undertake at Hillside on a daily basis.