Agenda item

Renewal and Adaptations Service Report Card


Members considered the service report card for the Housing Renewal and Adaptation Service.


Officers reviewed the performance for 2015/16 and the current performance of all areas of the service for the current financial year. It was explained that the predicted performance of the DFG’s is likely to be slightly worse this year compared to last due to the higher demand for extensions compared with the previous years, this is mainly down to the additional demand from NPT Homes.  


Officers advised that this would be the last year of the Specific Capital Grant for the declared Renewal Areas but the Welsh government are continuing to support future regeneration schemes with funding for Energy Efficiency improvements.  Members asked in relation to funding how was there an underspend. It was confirmed that this is actually income generation but the accounting practices must show it as an underspend but Members should understand that all grant funding that is received is used in the correct manner.


Due to the late approval of regeneration funding by the Welsh Government, members asked whether the relevant funding needs to be spent by the end of March 2017. Officers confirmed that the stance from Welsh Government at the present time is that yes it has to. However, depending on the weather this could change if the works are unable to be completed.


Members accepted that there are many unknowns coming with the future due to Brexit as a number of schemes are reliant on European Funding.


Following Scrutiny the report was noted.


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